We didn’t create Disbug
because we enjoyed fixing bugs.
It was quite the opposite.
We believe in the power of productive teams. That’s what drives us to build more than just a business.
Disbug’s idea was conceived in my mind when I was spending hours reproducing a bug instead of actually fixing it which I was supposed to. Honestly, the one thing that kept bothering me throughout the 7 years, working as a remote developer for various teams across the world was BUGS. Unclear reports from testers, clients, and users not only kept me up in the night but also drastically delayed the output for the team. It felt unfair and frustrating. I desperately wanted to make this right.
Disbug was launched in April 2021, followed by a hugely positive response and onboarding of fresh software teams. After understanding and analyzing the various needs of our clients, we have grown into an amazing tool that provides the solution for one of the major obstacles in software development.
Today, with a small team, we are creating a major impact in all our customer's teams by easing their bug reporting processes and improving their client and user feedback loop.
We are here to help teams achieve more productivity in software development by helping them report bugs faster and assisting them to fix even faster. Every day, we work hard to fasten up the software development workflow by identifying all the bottlenecks that prevent teams from delivering software on time.