What is a software bug? 6 common types of software bugs

A software bug is a mistake or flaw in the programming code of a computer system. There are six main types of software bugs that testers should be aware of.

Nov 21, 2023
What is a software bug? 6 common types of software bugs

What is a software bug?

A software bug is a mistake or flaw in the programming code of a computer system. It can cause the system to malfunction or even crash.
Software bugs can be caused by human error, defects in the design of the software, or problems with the code itself. They can also be caused by viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
Software bugs can be very difficult to find and fix, which can lead to serious consequences for businesses and individuals who rely on the affected software.

Why Does Software Have Bugs?

There are a number of reasons why software may have bugs:
First, human beings are imperfect and can make mistakes when writing code. This is especially common in the early stages of development, when developers are still learning how to create effective programs.
Second, software is designed to be flexible and easy to change. But sometimes this flexibility leads to unintended consequences that can cause problems in the system. For example, if a program allows users to make changes to the code themselves, it may be possible for malicious individuals to insert buggy code into the software.
Third, software is often built using a variety of different technologies and programming languages. This can lead to conflicts between these components and errors in the resulting code.
Fourth, even well-designed software can have problems if it's not updated regularly. As new versions of the program are released, old bugs may be fixed or replaced by new ones. This can leave the system vulnerable to attack or other problems.

6 Common Types of Software Bugs Every Tester Should Know

There are six main types of software bugs that testers should be aware of:
1. Faulty Functionality – This type of bug occurs when the system fails to perform as expected. For example, if a website is supposed to allow users to submit their taxes online, but instead causes them to receive an error message, this would qualify as a faulty functionality bug.
2. Broken Links – If links on a website don't work or take users to the wrong page, this would be considered a broken link bug.
3. Incorrect Data – If data entered into a system is incorrect or incomplete, this could lead to problems in functionality.
4. Missing Information – If important elements of a system are missing or not properly configured, this can create difficulties for users.
5. Incompatible Software – Bugs that occur when different pieces of software don't work together correctly are known
as incompatible software bugs.
6. Security Bugs – Any bug that allows someone unauthorized access to data or systems is classified as a security bug.

How to Identify a Software Bug?

In order to identify a software bug, testers need to have a good understanding of the system they're working with. They should be familiar with the layout of the code and how it works. Additionally, they should be able to spot any inconsistencies or bugs in the output.
Once you've identified a software bug, you'll need to determine its cause. This can involve looking for similarities between different bugs, as well as testing various methods of fixing them.
Here are a few steps on how to identify them:


When you're looking for a bug, it's important to have an eye for detail. Look for anything that doesn't look right. This includes inconsistencies in the code, incorrect data, and broken links.


Once you've spotted a bug, it's time to test whether or not it actually exists. Try modifying the code yourself or running some basic tests on the system to see if your findings match reality. If they don't, that means there's a bug waiting to be found.


If you're not able to find the bug on your own, it might be helpful to enlist the help of another person. Inspect the code together and look for any inconsistencies or errors that they may have missed.
Once you've identified a bug, it's important to take action. Fixing software bugs can be tricky, but with the help of a skilled developer, it can be done quickly and easily.

Which features should be included in a good bug tracking software?

A good bug tracking software should be able to help you keep track of all the bugs that have been found in your software. It should also provide a way to assign and prioritize them, so that they can be fixed as soon as possible.