extension: Is the right tool for you?

We have analysed if is the right tool for you. extension is a plugin for issue trackers. It allows web-based bug reports from users who can be either external to a development team or internal to it, helping developers and testers work efficiently.

Nov 20, 2023 extension: Is the right tool for you?

What does a extension do? extension is a plugin for issue trackers with which you can take screenshots, mark them up and attach it with your bug report. It allows web-based bug reports from users who can be either external to a development team or internal to it, helping developers and testers work efficiently through digital bug tracking.
Before analysing if is the right tool for you, let me show you what all to expect from a bug reporting tool.

Features to expect in a visual feedback tool

A bug reporting tool should have the following features:
User- friendliness: The tool should be easy to use for testers, users, clients and developers.
Ease of navigation: The tool should have an easy to navigate user interface.
Intuitive reporting features: Bug reporting tools should have intuitive reporting features like annotated screenshots, screen recording so that users can provide accurate and detailed reports.
Capturing technical logs: Bug reporting tool should capture technical logs like console logs, network logs, browser information etc. so that developers can find the source of any issues.
Integrated with PM tools: The bug reporting tool should be integrated with other project management tools like Jira, Trello etc. so that users can easily report issues without leaving their workflow.
Live edit feature: You should be able to edit anything on the live webpage to give design feedback. This helps in UI review and enhances design feedback loop. Very few tools have this feature, but believe me, this will save a ton of time.
Widget: The bug reporting tool should have a widget so that users can easily report issues from their website without switching tabs.

Is the right tool for you?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on what you are looking for in a bug tracking application. If you are mainly interested in the features offered by which is specific to website feedback, you can go for it. But there are other tools out there with better features at much lesser price.
Do you want only website feedback? Is that all you want for 129$ a month?
What if you could tighten your internal QA loop, perform UI review and get customer feedback for much less?
You can gain access to annotated screenshots, screen recording, techinical logs, numerous integrations, live website edit, widget and a lot more at a much lesser price!
Let me give you some insights here:
Disbug is a bug reporting tool that much more features at a much lesser price. Here are some of the features of Disbug:
  • Annotated screenshots and screen recording in just a click.
  • Automatic capture of all the technical logs such as console logs, network logs, browser info etc.
  • Allows user to edit live websites directly without switching tabs.
  • Integrates smoothly with project management tools like Jira, Trello etc.
Disbug not only improves your internal QA process but also improves overall quality of the product by making you spend more time on development and less time on bugs.
With the all new Disbug widget, you can carry on your entire workflow without switching tabs.
How cool is this?

Disbug has a free version. Have a look at it. Try it. You’ll not regret.