Disbug is a platform that helps you report bugs and crashes in an easy and convenient way. No more unclear and lengthy bug reports!
It offers a wide range of features that let users attach all the relevant information to their bug reports - whether they want to narrate the bug with a video, capture a screenshot along with network and console logs, include mouse and keyboard inputs, steps to reproduce the bug etc.
By integrating Disbug with Slack you can Screencast/screenshot, annotate and upload the bug to your project workflow in Slack, directly using their chrome extension.
Our Review:
Disbug is simple, easy-to-use and quick to setup. It has seamless integration with project management tools where each bug is uploaded as a ticket, this makes the workflow simple and efficient. The screencast and screenshot features eliminate the long and tiring bug reports. Although being a new tool in the market, it does its' job better than most of its' competitors. Overall, it increases the productivity of the team by saving time, energy and money spent.