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Top 5 methods to organize your feature requestes: Feature prioritization

Akil Natchimuthu
Dec 23, 2022
Top 5 methods to organize your feature requestes: Feature prioritization

Building a successful software product is hard - but it's not impossible. Fortunately, there are many methods you can use to help prioritize your features and make sure that the ones that are most important get implemented first. In this article, we'll introduce you to 5 of the most popular feature prioritization methods, and explain how each can help you achieve success. Ready to get started? Let's get started!

Why prioritize product features?

As the product manager, your top priority is to make sure you're creating the right features for your product to compete in its market. Here's why it's so important to prioritize your product features:

1. You'll be able to ship features faster

One of the most important benefits of prioritizing product features is that you'll be able to ship them faster. This will not only speed up your product development process, but it will also enable you to focus on the most important aspects of your product and get them into users' hands as soon as possible.

2. You'll generate more leads and sales conversions.

Another benefit of prioritizing product features is that they're likely to generate more leads and sales conversions. By focusing on features that are likely to be popular with your users, you're going to encourage them to sign up for your product's beta testing or launch date release.

3. You'll improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

One of the best ways to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction is by ensuring that the features that are included in your product meet their needs and expectations. When you prioritize product features, you're also likely to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.

4. You'll reduce development costs and complexity.

One of the most common problems with poorly prioritized product features is that they can lead to increased development costs and complexity – this is because they often require more resources (time, money, etc.) to complete than necessary. By prioritizing your product features, you're likely to avoid these costly complications down the road.

5. You'll improve customer retention rates and conversion rates over time.

If you focus on the right product features, you're likely to experience increased customer retention rates and conversion rates over time. This is because your users are more likely to stick with your product if it offers a range of valuable features that meets their needs.

Here are some ways to prioritize your product features:

Value vs. effort

The value versus effort framework is intended to make it easier for you to decide which features are worthwhile by comparing their advantages to the effort required to put them into use. This is a crucial factor to take into account as it may assist you in concentrating your efforts on the features that will benefit your clients the most. How a feature will affect other components of the product is another crucial thing to take into account.

Will the addition of this feature necessitate changes to the product's existing features? If so, those changes will also need to be given top priority. It's also crucial to think about how a feature may affect your team's capacity to meet other obligations.

Your ability to meet deadlines for other additions may be impacted if adding a new feature necessitates more resources.

Kano Model

The Kano model is a way of prioritizing features based on customer satisfaction. It was developed by Noriaki Kano and his team in 1984.

With the use of the Kano model, product managers may evaluate possible features in terms of how much happiness they would provide consumers as opposed to how much money they could cost to develop.

In order to successfully sell your product on the market, there are a few fundamental traits that it must contain. These "threshold" functions are necessary, but adding more won't significantly increase consumer satisfaction.

Your features can be sorted into five categories- basic/must-have, performance, delighters, indifferent, and dissatisfaction.

Basic/ must-have: -Your product must have these functions in order for it to be complete.

-They are essential, and without them your customers will feel dissatisfied.


-These features help the user carry out their tasks more easily or faster than before. They should not impact the basic/must-have features of the product.


-These features provide a sense of joy or satisfaction that exceeds what is necessary to perform a task but does not improve performance .


-These features do not provide a sense of joy or satisfaction. They may help improve performance, but this is not their primary purpose.


-These features create dissatisfaction in the customer, either because they are too complex or difficult to use.

Story mapping

The principle of story mapping centres on the notion of organising your product's characteristics in accordance with consumer value.

In order to get started with story mapping, the first thing you need to do is create a backlog of features to be prioritized. This can be done through brainstorming with your team, reviewing customer feedback, or consulting data analytics tools.

Once you have your list of backlog items, you can use sticky notes on a large empty wall or whiteboard. This will allow team members to break down feature requests, make product decisions, and develop a visual view of the user stories.

RICE Method

The RICE Method stands for

R- Reachability

I- Impact

C- Confidence

E- Effort

Reachability: This is a projection of the people that the feature will impact over a specific time frame.

Impact: This is a projection of how much the feature will change or improve the user experience.

Confidence: This is a projection of how certain you are about meeting the requirements for this feature.

Effort: This represents the amount of time and resources that will be needed to complete this feature.

MoSCoW Analysis

The MoSCoW analysis is a prioritization method that focuses on

M- Must have

S- Should have

C- Could have

W- Will not have

Must have:

These features are essential for the success of your product.

Should have:

-These features would be beneficial to your product, but they do not need to be included at this time.

Could have:

-The inclusion of these features does not currently pose a threat to the success or functionality of your product, but it is possible that future changes could make them necessary.

Will not have:

Features that do not meet any of the other prioritization criteria.


Prioritization is a very important part of the product development process. Sometimes, it can be difficult to decide which features are the most important for your business. For example, you may want to add some new features that might not be as essential if they take longer to develop and launch. In such cases, you can simply postpone them and focus on a different set of ideas instead. Along with prioritizing the top 5 feature ideas above, make sure you also try other useful ways like creating user personas or conducting A/B testing to get the best results in no time!