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9 Tips to give better design feedback

Akil Natchimuthu
Jul 18, 2022
9 Tips to give better design feedback

If you're a designer or developer working on a project, you know that feedback is essential to the success of the project. But giving feedback well can be tricky - it's not easy to say the right thing at the right time. That's why we've put together this list of quick tips to help you give feedback that is both helpful and effective. Ready to start giving better design feedback?

Let's get started!

Why is feedback important in design?

Feedback is important in design because it helps us learn and improve our work. Feedback allows us to know what we're doing well, and where we can make improvements. It also enables us to collaborate with other designers on a project, so that everyone can create the best possible product.

Giving feedback- Designers

When giving feedback to a designer, it's important to remember that they are the ones who are going to be using your feedback. Make sure you are clear and concise in your comments, so that the designer can understand what you're saying.

Also, be aware of the design context - whether or not the design is currently in use by somebody else. If it is not yet being used, make sure you explain why this design is better than any other options available.

Giving feedback- Clients

When giving feedback to a client, it's important to remember that they are the ones who are paying you for your work. Make sure you are clear and concise in your comments, so that the client can understand what you're saying.

Also, be aware of the context - whether or not the design is currently in use by somebody else. If it is not yet being used, make sure you explain why this design is better than any other options available.

9 Tips to give better design feedback

Direct your feedback to the design, not the designer

When you give feedback, make sure that you're directing it to the design, not the person who created it. This way, your feedback will be more effective and less personal.

Be concise

Don't waste everyone's time with long explanations or pontifications - just give factual information about what you think is wrong with the design and why. And remember: brevity is key! Nobody wants to hear a 20-page critique of their work.

Make an example If you think a particular element of the design is problematic, make an example to illustrate your point. This will help the designer understand what you're talking about and avoid confusion.

Be objective

Don't get wrapped up in your own opinion - be willing to give feedback that is objectively fair. And remember: no one likes a complainer!

Be specific

When giving feedback, be as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying "the font looks bad," say "I don 't like how the font looks on this page." This will help the designer to pinpoint exactly what you don't like and make any necessary changes.

Be honest

When giving feedback, be honest - if you think a design is bad, say so. Don't try to sugarcoat your criticism in order to make it easier for the designer. After all, they're going to hear it whether they want to or not!

Use the right tool

When giving feedback, don't just use your words. Use tools like illustrations or prototypes to help the designer understand your point more clearly. This will make it easier for them to take action and fix the problem.

Give feedback regularly

Feedback is a two-way street - the designer needs to give feedback as well. This way, both parties can learn from each other and improve the quality of their work.

Be prepared to explain your thinking

If the designer isn't able to understand what you're saying, be prepared to explain it in more detail. This will help them better understand your feedback and avoid any misunderstandings.

Use all the tools

When giving feedback, don't just rely on your words. Use illustrations, prototypes or any other tools that will make the designer's job easier. After all, they're working with a design that isn't static - it's evolving and changing all the time!

Receiving design feedback

Design feedback is an essential part of any design process, and it's important to be prepared for it. Here are some tips on how to best receive and process design feedback:

1. Set boundaries - When receiving feedback, it's important to set boundaries. Let the person know what type of feedback you're looking for and what type of response you expect. This will help to prevent any misunderstandings or arguments.

2. Take notes - When receiving feedback, take copious notes. This will help you to better remember the specific points that were made, as well as the context within which they were made. This will also make it easier for you to relay the feedback accurately and concisely when giving responses.

3. Be open to change - If the person providing feedback has suggestions for changes, be open to considering them. This will help build trust between you and the person providing the feedback, and it will also allow for more accurate and effective communication in the future.

4. Always thank someone for their input - Thanking someone for their input goes a long way in building positive relationships with others in your design community. It shows that you value their opinion and that you're willing to listen carefully when receiving feedback.

5. Be open to feedback - Start by being open to feedback, even if you don't know what to do with it. This will show your designer that you're interested in learning and that you're willing to improve as a designer.

6. Try not to take criticism personally - It's important to remember that everyone has their own style and perspective. Trying not to take criticism personally will help you stay objective and allow you to learn from the feedback.

7. Ask questions - If you don't understand something, ask your designer for clarification. This will help them to explain their ideas more clearly and also ensure that your questions are being answered adequately.

8. Be patient - It can take some time for designers to perfect their feedback skills, so be patient and let them work their magic!

Is there a tool for design feedback?

There is definitely a tool for design feedback - it just depends on your preferences and needs. Some popular design feedback tools include:

1. Adobe Photoshop - ayout, design, and image manipulation. Additionally, its user interface is relatively easy to navigate, making it a good choice for those just starting out in design.

2. Sketch - Photoshop Sketch is a great tool for drawing designs and feedback. It can be helpful for quickly creating wireframes or mockups, or for getting feedback on design concepts.

3. Inkscape - Inkscape is a popular vector graphics editor that can be used for a variety of design tasks, from creating logos and icons to designing brochures and web pages. It's also a great tool for giving feedback on design work - letting someone know how a design might look on different devices or in different contexts can be a great way to help them improve their work.

4. GIMP - GIMP is a great program for providing feedback on designs. Some of the features that can be helpful for design feedback include the ability to import and export files, the ability to change colors and fonts, and the ability to save files in different formats. Additionally, GIMP has a built-in photo editor that can be used for basic photo editing, such as cropping and resizing.

5. Adobe Illustrator - Adobe illustrator is a powerful vector graphic design software that can be used for a variety of design tasks, such as logo design, website design, and presentation graphics. It's a great tool for providing feedback on designs, as it has many features that make it easy to edit and modify graphics.


The key takeaway here is that when you design something and share it with your customer, remember to be open to feedback. Try giving them small tips like the ones we have mentioned above on how to give better design feedback.

No doubt, UX has a huge impact on forming customers’ perception about products but by following these tips, you can make sure that the experience turns positive one for all!